Morning Routines: The Best Kind of Self-Care (And, Why You Need One)

I only started committing to a morning routine last year and, let me tell ya, it has absolutely made all the difference.

Committing to a morning routine won’t automatically send abundance into your life…or, will it?


Hear me out. Morning routines provide ample opportunity for some self care and stillness before rushing off to tend to the day. You’re probably like, “c’mon, Shelby…waking up earlier and doing stuff before all the other things I actually have to do isn’t going to change my life.”

And, I’m here to tell you that yes, a morning routine will absolutely change your life. Hands down. I’ll even bet money on it. Yeah, stick to a morning routine for two weeks and try to tell me you don’t feel amazing, like you’re not glowing as bright as the sun. 

I’m telling you this because how you start your day is more important than how you end it. Our energy is surging in the mornings (as opposed to winding down at night), so harnessing this energy and using it to its highest potential while it’s alive and radiating is crucially important. Especially, if you’re working on something, actively growing and striving towards your goals. 

So, what exactly is this whole “morning routine” thing really about?

The science behind the little things

I recently read The Tipping Point and the author, Malcolm Gladwell, talks about how ideas and behaviors grow from their originality to cultural pandemics. How do these ideas or businesses reach their highest potential and become so wildly successful? Well, it all comes down to the little changes that make a HUGE difference.

While Gladwell talks about this in cultural phenomenons, I believe it relates to our personal lives, as well. If you are working towards something, but are lacking motivation or that extra “je ne sais quoi” to take you to the next level, chances are you just need to tweak a habit to see results. Spoiler alert: you don’t have to scratch everything and come up with a new and grand idea. 

Whether this is in business or in life, it still applies. You are the vehicle of your own productivity and morning routines will help you unlock your highest potential. 

Oh, and did you notice it’s free? I’m not selling you on a product. This isn’t a pyramid scheme and I’m definitely not including an affiliate link at the end for you to sign up. Morning routines are just the bee’s knees and even science says so

How to create a morning routine

Remember, your morning routine must be tailored to you. What works for me may not work for you, and likewise!


While morning routines should encompass the activities that ignite energy and motivation, two people’s morning routines may look completely different. Plus, don’t block out the idea that morning routines can change, too! We are constantly evolving beings, which means our morning routines may need to go through quite a few upgrades. 

Think of morning routines like a little self-care session before you start your day. I don’t mean the idea of self-care that tells you to stay in bed all morning or watch Netflix. I’m talking about the discipline-your-inner-child self-care. Trust me, morning routines will be more of a parent to you than you ever were to yourself! ;)

Morning routine do’s and don’ts

So, how do you choose a morning routine that’s right for you? If you’re just starting out, it may take a few trial and error periods, but— trust me— any time spent on perfecting your morning routine is not wasted!

If you need some inspo to start your own morning routine, then check out these little tid-bits of advice:


  • Wake up at the same time everyday (yes, including the weekends!).

    • This consistency creates a rhythm and builds momentum for heightened performance in whatever aspect of your life you choose!

  • Incorporate movement.

    • I, personally, do yoga in the morning, then do my more intense workout in the afternoon. If you want to smash it out at the gym first thing in the morning, then GO FOR IT. If you’d rather do a yoga flow or take a leisurely walk, by all means do you. I, however, highly recommend that you do not skip this step in your morning routine! Movement is crucial for getting the mind and body going. 

  • Find time for stillness.

    • This could be meditation, journaling, or sitting outside while you enjoy your coffee. You could also read or listen to a podcast. The point here is to disconnect and calm the mind. 

  • Do one activity that you enjoy.

    • While morning routines are great for self-control and discipline, it’s important to do something that brings you joy in the morning, too. 

  • Drink water first thing in the morning to jumpstart your metabolism and energy.


  • Do NOT jump on social media first thing in the morning.

  • Do NOT press snooze. Ever. 

  • Do NOT give up. Be consistent. 

Believe it or not, you can feel alive every morning. You can wake up ready to tackle the day. Better yet, you can actually be excited! Can you imagine that?!

Morning routines have been the best kept secret of the world’s most successful people. Again, “success” doesn’t have to be defined by dollar signs, but can simply mean unlocking your highest potential. While being the best you may not sound “simple” at all, I promise you’ll find something as simple as morning routines to be wildly impactful. 


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